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California January 2024 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will rise to $16.00/hour. This applies to all employers.

Discrimination and Harassment

The Additional Protections section now states that employers with five or more employees cannot discriminate based on an employee or job applicant’s use of cannabis off the job and away from the workplace (though some exceptions may apply). The Additional Protections section also now states that employers with five or more employees must offer up to five days of job-protected bereavement leave within three months of the death of a family member (though some exceptions may again apply). The section also now states that employees are entitled to five days of job-protected leave following a reproductive loss event. Finally, the Additional Protections section has also been updated to state that employees have the right to reasonable accommodations related to pregnancy and childbirth (when before it just said that employers are required to “reasonably accommodate” employees.)

Text stating that employment agencies must serve all job applicants equally, must not make discriminatory pre-hiring inquiries, and must not push help-wanted advertisements which include discriminatory hiring preferences, was removed from the notice. Text stating that unions cannot discriminate in member admissions was also removed.

Paid Sick Leave

The cap on accrued sick leave has been raised to 80 hours/10 days. No accrual or carryover is needed if employers provide 40 hours or 5 days “up front” at the beginning of a 12-month period. Employers may limit the usage of paid sick leave to 40 hours or 5 days (whichever is greater) in any given year of employment. 


The notice was modified to state that “an employer who receives a citation, Order to Take Special Action, or Special Order must post it or a copy, including the enclosed multi-language employee notification, at the place of violation or unsafe condition for three working days.”