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Do Labor Laws Protect Employee Posts on Social Media?

Although technology is playing an ever-greater role in the workplace, few labor laws address employee use of social media. However, two federal agencies—the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)—have recently provided clarity on the protections afforded employees and their online content. Both agencies have determined that [...]

What Employers Need to Know About Meal Periods and Rest Breaks Under New York Law

New York labor laws include several important employee meal period and rest break requirements for employers to understand. Employers in New York who fail to comply with these rules subject themselves to liability, including penalties, under the state’s wage and hour laws. Here is a summary of what New York law requires of employers when [...]

How the Fair Labor Standards Act—and Its Posting Requirements—Affect Your Business

What Is the Fair Labor Standards Act? The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 is a federal law that governs important wage and hour standards for U.S. employees. It sets the minimum wage, establishes rules for overtime eligibility, regulates child labor, and determines employer recordkeeping requirements. The law applies to full-time and part-time employees [...]

Labor Law and Mandatory Workplace Postings in Florida

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and other state agencies require Florida employers to comply with various federal and state labor laws. These labor laws require all Florida employers to conspicuously post several specific notices. Employers of certain sizes or in particular industries may be subject to additional labor law posting requirements.  To get [...]

New Workers’ Comp Requirement for Florida Employers

Florida’s Division of Workers’ Compensation has released a new Workers’ Comp Works For You notice, which has a posting requirement. All employers who secure the payment of workers’ compensation are required to post the new notice in their workplaces. History of the Workers’ Compensation Notice Here’s some history on the Workers’ Comp Works for You (a.k.a. “Broken [...]