Poster Compliance Center Blog

6 States Have Captive Audience Laws and Posting Requirements

Image of a captive audience meeting

In 1948, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled that employers could hold mandatory meetings on company property during work hours to address matters related to union organizing. Since then, these meetings, called “captive audience” meetings, have become a popular way for employers to express their viewpoint about union organizing and its impact to discourage […]

New Jersey Labor Law Posting Requirements

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New Jersey has extensive state labor law poster requirements that employers must follow. What Are The Federal Labor Law Posters Required in New Jersey New Jersey employers are required to post the following federal labor law posters: Equal Employment Opportunity Is the Law Poster Federal Minimum Wage Poster Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Poster […]

What Are the Legal Requirements for Workday Breaks in New Jersey?

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For more information about New Jersey, employer obligations visit New Jersey labor law posting requirements.   Whether an employer permits its employees to have meal breaks and rest breaks is largely within the employer’s discretion. While some states, like California and New York, have strict requirements for employers to provide meal and rest breaks, New […]