Poster Compliance Center Blog

Which States and Cities Have Wage Transparency Laws in 2024?

Wage transparency laws around the country.

The call for equitable pay has been echoing for some time. While some states and cities had previously enacted pay equity statutes, they’re now embracing a new tactic to ensure fair pay: wage transparency. Wage transparency is the practice of openly sharing information about wages and salaries within a company or organization. This can include […]

Update: The Latest Digital Labor Law Poster Requirements

remote worker

The move toward remote and hybrid work environments has created a series of headaches for employers, including how to share labor law posters with employees who aren’t in the workplace. Typically, labor law posters are displayed in common areas, such as employee breakrooms or lounges, where employees have ready access to them. But employees who […]

6 States Have Captive Audience Laws and Posting Requirements

Image of a captive audience meeting

In 1948, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled that employers could hold mandatory meetings on company property during work hours to address matters related to union organizing. Since then, these meetings, called “captive audience” meetings, have become a popular way for employers to express their viewpoint about union organizing and its impact to discourage […]