Navigating the complex patchwork of federal and state labor laws can be challenging. While many employers are familiar with basic employment rights, understanding the specific rules that affect salaried employees is crucial for ensuring compliance. In this article, we’ll explore the key law that affects salaried employees—the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)—focusing on exempt vs. […]
It’s important to understand the resources and regulations concerning Human Trafficking notices. U.S. Federal law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor or services against his or her will. Since the TVPA was first introduced in 2000, it has been reauthorized […]
The move toward remote and hybrid work environments has created a series of headaches for employers, including how to share labor law posters with employees who aren’t in the workplace. Typically, labor law posters are displayed in common areas, such as employee breakrooms or lounges, where employees have ready access to them. But employees who […]
*Updated August, 2024* What Are Captive Audience Meetings? In 1948, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled that employers could hold mandatory meetings on company property during work hours to address matters related to union organizing. Since then, these meetings, called “captive audience” meetings, have become a popular way for employers to express their viewpoint […]
Know Your State Requirements updated February 2024 Are Breaks Required By Law? Every state has different laws on breaks for employees. Read below to learn more about rest, meal, and lunch break laws by state. State Break Requirements Meal Requirements Information Alabama Employees under the age of 16 must receive a 30-minute meal/rest break if […]
What a ride 2023 has been! Maybe keeping up with labor law poster updates wasn’t on top of your to-do list. No stress, though – we’ve got your back in tracking those changes. Now’s the perfect moment to get in the loop on all the updates from the past year to stay compliant. And, it’s […]
Every employer should be aware of labor law poster compliance, even if it’s not a topic you want to spend much time on. To be compliant means meeting the requirements of properly posting current federal and state labor law posters for your employees. Many employers are choosing to subscribe to a poster compliance service, but what […]
Adhering to labor law compliance regulations is crucial for employers to maintain a fair and legally compliant work environment while protecting the rights and interests of their employees. In this blog post, we will discuss essential best practices centered around labor law posters that organizations should follow to ensure they are in full compliance with […]
Most employers know that it is crucial to comply with labor laws and ensure that your employees are aware of their rights and protections by displaying mandatory notices in the workplace. However, determining the appropriate locations for these posters is often overlooked and can be confusing. In this blog post, we will explore the requirements […]
*UPDATED JUNE 19, 2023* Long-awaited changes to federal labor law posters are finally here. In April, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) updated two of its federal workplace notices: its Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) poster and its Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) poster. Additionally, in June, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated […]
*Updated July 2024* The call for equitable pay has been echoing for some time. While some states and cities had previously enacted pay equity statutes, they’re now embracing a new tactic to ensure fair pay: wage transparency. Wage transparency is the practice of openly sharing information about wages and salaries within a company or organization. […]
Remote work is here to stay. And New York is one of the first states to acknowledge this new reality when it comes to labor law posters. On December 16, 2022, New York amended its labor laws, via State Assembly Bill A7595, to require employers to make all mandatory workplace posters available electronically to employees. […]