Poster Compliance Center Blog

Three Mandatory Federal Labor Law Poster Changes At Once!

Two new federal posters – Minimum Wage and Employee Polygraph Protection – were issued today (July 26) by the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division. Both of these posters were updated with mandatory changes regarding civil monetary penalties. The Department of Labor (DOL) announced that they must be posted by August 1, 2016. We put our federal […]

How To Avoid Compliance Poster Scams

  Common Labor Law Poster Compliance Scams Government Letter Oh no! You’ve received a letter in the mail that looks like an official government mailer. It’s telling you about a mandatory change and insists that if you don’t update your compliance posters you’ll be fined thousands of dollars. The letter is vague and becomes more […]

The Truth About Free Labor Law Posters

Labor laws are changing more frequently, leaving businesses with the daunting task of staying up to date with their required labor law posters. With an average of 2 to 3 mandatory changes per year, are free labor law poster downloads the optimal way to maintain labor law compliance? Downloading free labor law posters from the […]

3 Common Compliance Poster Questions

If you’re in charge of poster compliance, you probably have questions about your federal and state labor posters. This confusing yet important aspect of compliance is riddled with misinformation and uncertainties. The good news is there are professionals who specialize in poster compliance and they know the real answers to these questions. Let’s take a […]

Do I Need A Labor Law Poster For My Business?

If you’re responsible for managing your company’s labor law posters you’ve probably asked yourself, “Do I need labor law posters?”, and the answer is “most likely, yes”. If you are an employer with at least one paid employee in their place of business, you must post federal, state, and local (where applicable) labor law posters. […]

The Compliance Guide for New Business Owners

Congratulations on your new business! It’s probably safe to assume you have your hands full at the moment. If you’re visiting this page chances are you’re researching labor law posters in order to find out which ones you need. This guide should supply you with all the information and resources you need to be in […]

Get All the Facts About Federal Labor Law Posters

It is no secret that maintaining labor law compliance can be an overwhelming task. While you may be aware of the importance of remaining compliant with local and state labor posters, keeping up to date on federal labor law posters is just as essential. What Is on the Federal Labor Law Posters? Employers across the […]