Posters include mandatory Minnesota, Federal, and OSHA labor law required notices.
Labor Law poster sets and all-in-one’s include all mandatory Minnesota, Federal, and OSHA labor law notices. Upgrade to a 1-Year Compliance Plan which includes current posters and 12 months of free Minnesota and Federal labor law updates anytime a mandatory labor law change occurs. We guarantee our posters are always compliant and we back our 1-Year Compliance plans with a $41,000 warranty guarantee.
Minnesota Required Labor Law Notices
Minnesota employers are required to post the following mandatory state labor law notices. They must be displayed in a conspicuous and accessible place. Businesses that fail to post these notifications may be subject to penalties or fines. Here are the state notices Minnesota employers must post:
- Minimum Wage Rates*
- Workers’ Compensation*
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits*
- Occupational Safety and Health Law-MNOSHA*
- Age Discrimination*
- Captive Audience
Federal Required Labor Law Notices
In addition to the Minnesota specific labor law notices, employers are also required to post federal notices in a highly visible and accessible location. Here are the federal notices employers must post:
- Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal*
- Federal Minimum Wage Poster*
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Poster*
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Job Safety and Health Poster*
- Employee Polygraph Protection Act Poster*
- Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Poster
Additional posting requirements apply to businesses in certain industries, including retail and restaurant, and for businesses that employ minors.
NOTE: Spanish posters may not include all notices published on the English poster and may vary from our standard 18″ x 24″ size since some states do not issue all notices in Spanish. Spanish posters may be released later than English posters by government agencies. *Indicates included on Spanish poster.
Labor Law Poster Technical Characteristics
Separate Minnesota & Federal posters are 18″w x 24″h. The All-In-One Minnesota & Federal poster is 36″w x 24″h. Posters are professionally designed in full color, use space efficiently, and come as 1.2 mil laminated for durability and ease of cleaning or environmentally friendly unlaminated Go Green. You can verify compliance instantly by scanning your poster’s QR code or entering the code on the bottom left.
Minimum Wage (December 2023)
Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $10.85/hour for large employers, and $8.85/hour for small employers, training wages, youth wages, and workers with a J-1 Visa. The notice is available in English and Spanish, and this change applies to all state employers.
Veterans Benefits and Services (December 2023)
This new notice lists the potential benefits available to veterans and their families. It also links to online resources, as well as resources by phone. As of January 1, 2024, all employers with more than 50 employees are required to post this notice. The notice is currently available only in English.
Minnesota Labor Law Posting Requirements
Minnesota employers must follow both federal and state labor law posting requirements. Below, we’ve summarized these requirements and offered a short explanation of the state-specific workplace posters.
Federal Posting Requirements for Minnesota
- Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal*
- Federal Minimum Wage Poster*
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Poster*
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Job Safety and Health Poster*
- Employee Polygraph Protection Act Poster*
- Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Poster
Minnesota-Specific Posting Requirements
In addition to the federal labor law posters listed above, Minnesota employers are also required to post the following mandatory state labor law posters. They must be displayed in a conspicuous and accessible place. Businesses that fail to post these notifications may be subject to penalties or fines.
- *Minnesota Age Discrimination Poster: This poster explains that, under Minnesota law, employers cannot take any employment-related actions, such as hiring, firing, or demoting, because of an employee’s age.
- *Minnesota Minimum Wage Rates Poster: This poster sets forth the new minimum wage rates for Minnesota employers as of January 1, 2024. For large employers with annual gross revenues of $500,000 or more, the minimum wage is $10.85 per hour. For all other employers, and for wages for training, minors, and J-1 visa holders, the minimum wage is $8.85 per hour. The poster also advises employees of their right to overtime after 48 hours for large employers and 40 hours for small or state-covered employers. Additionally, the poster notifies employees that employers cannot discriminate or retaliate against them for reporting a violation of law or for refusing to participate in illegal activity.
- *Minnesota Safety and Health Protection on the Job Poster: This poster details requirements for employers and the rights of employees under the Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health Act, including reporting obligations for workplace injuries and illnesses.
- *Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Benefits Poster: This poster notifies employees of their right to file for unemployment benefits and provides the website and contact information for the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Program.
- *Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Poster: This poster explains what workers’ compensation covers and explains employer and employee obligations under the law. It also gives employees the contact information for their employer’s workers’ compensation carrier.
- Minnesota Captive Audience Poster: This poster summarizes state law regarding employer-sponsored meetings and communications. Employees have the right not to attend employer-sponsored meetings, or receive employer-sponsored communications, when the meetings and communications concern religious or political matters. This poster defines religious and political matters, discusses legal enforceability, and defines the scope of the law.
- Minnesota Veterans Benefits and Services Poster: This poster summarizes the potential benefits available to veterans and their families. As of January 1, 2024, employers with 50 or more employees are required to post this notiec.
Employers in various industries may have additional labor law posting requirements. They may also have an obligation to post in multiple languages, depending on the composition of their workforce.
*Included on Spanish poster
NOTE: Spanish posters may not include all notices published on the English poster and may vary from our standard 18″w x 24″h size since some states do not issue all notices in Spanish.
Employment posters must be posted in a conspicuous location.
Captive Audience – Sep 2023
Minimum Wage – Oct 2022
Minimum Wage – Nov 2021
Minimum Wage – Jan 2021
Minimum Wage – Nov 2019
Minimum Wage – Jan 2019
Minimum Wage – Jan 2018
Minimum Wage – July 2016
Minimum Wage – July 2014
Workers’ Compensation – July 2014
Unemployment Benefits – July 2014
Minnesota OSHA – July 2014
Age Discrimination – July 2014